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IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.1 发布了。如果你还没有尝试 IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3,那么欢迎使用 IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.1,本次更新带来了很多重要的错误修正。其中最显著的变化之一是实现了对 JUnit 5 M3 的支持,因此如果您计划继续运行JUnit 5 M2,您必须使用IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3(或更早版本),或手动包括JUnit 5 M2 你的类路径中的属性。
至于 JDK 9,IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 将不支持 builds 148 及以上,因为它们包含破坏性的代码。 当然,我们正在努力解决这个问题,支持最新 JDK 9 的版本将在 2017.1 发布(其EAP可能会在未来几个星期内开始)。
BugIDEA-163903Current file todos are not shown in 'Scope Based' tab with selected 'Current file' scopeIDEA-161814IntelliJ fails to compile DropWizard HelloWorld example appBugIDEA-164049'Export Settings' option exports broken settings.jarBugIDEA-160578IDEA hangs on start with inactive Proxy Authentication dialogExceptionIDEA-163426INRE at com.intellij.util.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl.a
ExceptionIDEA-164434"Internal compiler error" on compiling AspectJ projects with JDK 6
ExceptionIDEA-164434"Internal compiler error" on compiling AspectJ projects with JDK 6
FeatureIDEA-162418Enhanced go to file formatsBugIDEA-163673IntelliJ was frozen for 3 minutes without obvious reason
BugIDEA-163375Compiling with 163.6957.12 results in java.lang.NoSuchMethodErrorBugIDEA-164315Artifact destination folder contents deleted when compiling artifact in 2016.3TaskIDEA-164402When build runtime is java8 and higher and the project depends on JDK6 or JDK7, consider using javac from these JDKs if possible
BugWEB-14233Add property of object to watches failsBugWEB-24149React Native Debugger Exception With React Native V0.37.0.BugWEB-24257Meteor debugger doesn't work: ClassCastExceptionBugWEB-24304Angular-cli karma debugging: breakpoints are not hitBugWEB-21216Debugger should show contents of Map/SetBugWEB-24182Debugger: no console output when using Chromium v. < 54 for debuggingBugWEB-24297"Smart step into" doesn't workExceptionWEB-24091IllegalArgumentException when inspect closureExceptionWEB-24089TypeCastException within debug sessionExceptionWEB-23676Debugger: IOE: File is not writable: LightVirtualFile exception
BugWEB-24065Auto import and redundant commaBugWEB-23588Flow checking does not support exact object typesBugWEB-244152016.3: large increase in javascript "unresolved function or method" warningsBugWEB-21977async function always returns a Promise - incorrect jsdoc generationBugWEB-24058Bad analysis: lambda argument breaks method resolution type inference in method chainBugWEB-23518'resolve using flow when possible' messes up unused import checkingBugWEB-24219JSDoc: The type of non-nullable properties is not correctly propagatedPerformanceWEB-24472IDEA 2016.3 Locks UpPerformanceWEB-24177Files never finish indexingUsabilityWEB-16210ExtJS 'class for xtype' not found' warning should be suppressibleUsabilityWEB-23873Setting JavaScript language version to "ECMAScript 6" shows description text outside of visible areaExceptionWEB-24108AssertionError when call 'Choose color'
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